Cheryl Joyner Clark is an author, playwright, actress, and stage director known for her comedic way of bringing words to life. As a young girl growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, Cheryl had a dream of one day becoming writer. In 1999, that young girl’s dream came to life. He Has Given Us New Life, a stage play written, directed and performed by Cheryl, where she received a standing ovation from a full house. She knew from that moment on bringing stories to life through stage was her calling. As the demand for her words grew, so did her gift. In addition to playwright and author, Cheryl has written and produced songs for the soundtrack to her plays. She serves as Co-Writers Lead and teaches writers lab for the drama ministry at her church in Dallas, Texas. Her company, CHE (pronounced “she”, a play off her name) WORKS IT, formally CJC Productions has written and produced many theatrical works of which include, Tell Hell I Ain’t Coming, God Is Calling. What Will You Say, In the Absence of My Father, Too Much, Too Little Too Late, Don’t Close Your Eyes and I Want My Daddy. Cheryl has also self-published books two Christian Fiction Novels, No More Sunday Morning and Jade Song: A Blackwell Legacy.